EWB-OC Kenya Footbridge
Ewaso Ng'iro River

July 19, 2010 - October 28, 1010

Footbridge Construction

Trip 1 Team 1 Tim Muli and Clay Stevens

On our first trip, EWB-OC members Clay Stevens and Tim Muli focused on gathering materials and digging the holes 
for the abutments that were to later to be constructed by Team 2.


Trip 2 Team 2 Mujahid Chandoo and Sean Callan 

EWB-OC members on Team 2, Sean Callan and Mujahid Chandoo, continued the work with the abutments and anchorage 
that will late
r be connected with the cables and decking put in place by Team 3.

Trip 3 Team 3 Matt Lipa and Daniel Ramey

Team 3 members Daniel Ramey and Matt Lipa completed the work of the slates, cables, and finishing construction work
which completes the team goal of providing a footbridge for the region and community of Endana.


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